Brandon Namm Brandon Namm

Why Hire a Consulting Arborist?

Consulting arborists have achieved some of the highest credentials in the field. Learn why hiring a consulting arborist may be useful for you.

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Evergreen Oak Trees for a Climate Ready PNW
Brandon Namm Brandon Namm

Evergreen Oak Trees for a Climate Ready PNW

As the Pacific Northwest becomes hotter and dryer, it is time we reconsider the trees adapted to the environment. We now have longer, hotter summers with less precipitation. With these changes in climate, so too must our tree planting preferences and practices change.

To address climate change, drought tolerant species already locally planted must be planted even more abundantly and trees that thrive in places like Sacramento, California should be tested in our region. Some of the most promising species include evergreen (or live) oaks because of their drought tolerance and the environmental benefits they provide.

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